

Under horrendous conditions team USA advances to the “Sweet Sixteen” in the FIFA World Cup. Now here’s the deal. We didn’t win but,  because Portugal beat Ghana that allowed us to move forward. Awesome right. Getting rewarded for someone else’s loss. Why you ask??  There is a whole point system in place.  Because I’m really  not qualified to explain the darn thing, I’ve referenced the Washington Post. This is legal in the world of blogging. It’s like a really big compliment to the author of this article.



In my previous blog, I told you about how entertaining the British commentators were in their coverage of the World Cup. Pump the breaks my friends. I’ve found a new favorite. Taylor Twellman has been doing coverage for ESPN and he is a real spit fire. Taylor played for the Maryland Terps and was on the US National team.  Extremely knowledgeable and edgy.  He’s not afraid to speak his mind and dresses in sweat shirts, jeans, and sneakers. I love it. But what I found very appealing was the empathy  he displayed for the locals of Recife, Brazil after Thursday’s 17 hour down pour. Everyone was commenting on will the game move forward as planned, but he was concerned about how the natives would endure the terrible flooding. Basically his perspective…..What is really important here??? So Kudos to Taylor!

Taylor Twellman


Read all about Taylor


The “Sweet Sixteen Round” starts Saturday and my ground beef tostadas would be a nice touch to serve for any game, but when you are watching Mexico vs Netherlands on Sunday at 12:00…. it would be appropriate. Ole’ which apparently means I performed a great feat…and the tostada is just that. Ole’

Beef Tostadas



– 1 1/2 lb ground beef

– 2 tbsp. seasoned salt

– 1 tsp chili powder

– 1 tsp onion powder

– 1 tsp garlic powder

– 10-12 6′ yellow corn tortillas

– vegetable oil for frying

– 1-2  tomato seeds removed and diced

– 2 avocados sliced

– shredded lettuce

– shredded Monterey jack cheese

– sour cream

– chopped cilantro


1. In large skillet, heat oil to 360 degrees and fry corn tortillas. Fry until both sides are golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

2. In a separate large skillet, brown ground beef with season salt, chili powder, onion powder, and garlic powder.

3. After beef is browned, build tostadas. Place tortilla on plate, top with beef (use slotted spoon)  and then go for your favorite toppings.

I like to start with cheese, then lettuce, avocado, and sour cream. I’m not a fan of the tomato 🙂 They just look super pretty in the pictures.


Remember….Who Do You Want In Your Kitchen On Game Day???